Application Areas

MCapila Industries provides TURN KEY SOLUTIONS to various problems related to Corrosion, Abrasion & Erosion caused due to working environment and media in different equipments. MCapila Industries analyzes the problem, selects the right product and executes the repair / coating work with thorough surface preparation, application and quality checks to ensure extended period of protection to the equipment.


Steel Plant

Power Plant

Acid / Alkali Storage TanksHoppers
AVGF TanksPrimary Gas Coolers
Circulation Water PipilinesRaw Water Tanks
Clarifier ArmsScrubber
CO PipelinesSGP Filter Bed Structures
Cooling Gas DuctsSGP Stack
Cooling Gas PackingSGP Structures
Cooling TowersSlag Reducer Cones
De-Watering ScreensSludge Tanks
DM Water TanksSoft Water Tanks
Dryer CyclonesSuction Silencer
Electrostatic Tar PrecipatorsThickeners
Gas Cooling Plant ScrubberTop Gas Packing Scrubber
GCP PumpsTop Gas Venturi Scrubber
Wet Screens 
Ash HoppersCrest Gates
Ash Slurry TanksDe- Aerators Tanks
Boller Seal SkirtsDM Plant Tank & Floors
Cation TanksDuct Work
Circulating Water LinesFuel Storage Tanks
ClarifiersGuide Vanes
Coal BunkersHeat Exchangers
Coal ChutesHydro Flood Tunnels
Coal ExhausterHydro Penstocks
Condenser Tube SheetsHydro Scroll Cases
Condenser Water BoxesHydro Wicket Gates
Cooling Tower BasinsSteel Housing
Cooling Tower FansTravelling Water Screens
Cooling Water Pumps  

Cement Plant


Acid / Alkali TanksJetty Structures
Additive HoppersLRS Tanks
Baghouse DoorsPreheater Structures
Chemical Dosing TanksPumps
Clinker Hopper / ChutesRaw Mill Fans / Casings
Clinker SiloRaw Water Tanks
CondensersRCC Foundation Protection
Conveyor StructuresSEPAX Fan Casings
Cyclone DuctsShip Loader
Duct WorkSoft Water Tanks
Gypsum Hopper / ChutesSubstation Structures
Gypsum SiloTransformer Oil Leakages
Ballast TanksGas Scrubbers
BilgesKort Nozzle Surface
Bow & Stern ThrustersNon-Skid Floors
Bulbous NosesOil Coolers
Cargo TanksPontoons
CondensersRudder Stacks
Corroded Wet LinersSea Water Pumps
Discharge PipesSewage Tanks
Foam TanksSluice Gates
Gas Fan CastingsSluice Valves


Waste Water Treatment

Accomodation ModulesMud System Tanks
Acid / Alkali Storage TanksOffshore Platform Decks
Brine PondsPipeline Internal / External
CondensersProcess Vessels
Desulphurization SystemsSecondary Containment
Heat ExchangersStacks
Acid / Alkali Storage TanksInfluent Collection Channel
Aeration TanksPump Casings
Checker PlatesPump Impellers
Clarifier ArmsSecondary Containment
Clarifier TanksSedimentation Tanks
De-Watering TanksSewer Pipelines / Tunnels
DigestorsSludge Thickners
Distribution ChambersStructural Steel Works
Effluent PipelinesTrenches

Paper & Process Plant

FGD Systems

Acid Slurry TanksDust Collector Hoppers
Alkali Storage TanksGreen Liquor Tanks
Baghouse Hopper & WallsHeat Exchangers
Black Liquor TanksPaper Machine Surface
CentrifugesPump Casings / Impellers
ChutesReagent Storage Tanks
Concrete CorrosionSecondary Containment
CondensorsSubstation Structures
Cooling TowersTransformer Leaks
Cooling Water PipelinesValves
DM TanksWhite Liquor Tanks
BaghousesRecirculation Pumps
ClarifiersScrubber Vessels
Demister SectionsSlurry Pipes
De-Watering TanksSlurry Pumps
Effluent LinesSpray Driers
Lime Storage TanksStacks
Process FloorsValves
Reaction TanksVenturi Scrubbers

Power Transmission


Concrete StubsTransformer Oil Leakages
Marshalling BoxesTransmission Towers
Substation Structures 
